Year: 2019
publication, book design
Size: 14 x 9.8 cm
A design that is shown from a different angle. Usually people say that the content determines the form, but what if this is not the case? What if the form determines the content? For example, the shape of a demo poster with the inscription of a gravestone or the shape of a parking ticket with the contents of a winning payment in the lottery.
With its formal appearance, »Poetry of Protest« appears like a volume of poetry, but statements from protest and demonstration posters were used as content. It represents a contrast between form and content. The focus here is on the language of demonstrations, as opposed to the design of a poetry book. Mainly the demonstration topics, tuition fees, data backup, nuclear power, right-wing extremism, Stuttgart 21, homosexuality and cruelty to animals were used. A collection of 90 different demonstration statements.
Supervision: Prof. Frank Philippin